Art Development Projects
Kalumburu Womens Art Collecitve
The aim of this project is to build capacity in our female artists to reach their full potential. Many women on this community face domestic and family violence in their daily lives. We at the Kalumburu Strong Women's Centre believe that when you invest in helping women create a sustainable micro-enterprise that this will lead to a more financial and emotionally postitive impact in their world. Giving them more options and tools to deal with situations that occur in their daily lives.
The women's centre provides educational and prevention programs for domestic and family violence and short term refuge for women of the Kalumburu
KalumburuStrongWomensCentre - Facebook
Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation – trading as Nagula Jarndu (Saltwater Woman) is a Not for Profit incorporated body with a membership of 70 Indigenous women and is governed by 8 Yawuru women Directors.
Yawuru Jarndu first started operating in 1987 when it was established as an Indigenous women’s resource centre by Yawuru women, with the aim of recording oral history and preserving Yawuru language and culture.
The organisation evolved into an arts and textiles business, offering training in screen printing and dressmaking, producing fabrics for clothing and home wares, designed and made by local Indigenous artists. A retail outlet was established in 1998 called Nagula Jarndu Designs which proved a successful venture.
Now, with a more focussed and strategic view towards social enterprise and a more self-sustainable business model, the organisation has given Aboriginal women the opportunity to produce distinctive hand crafted textiles and textile products with motifs and colours sourced from the unique Broome landscape. The women are supported to engage with the broader Aboriginal Arts community and participate in valuable opportunities including the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, Revealed (Perth), and many other exhibitions both in regional areas and capital cities throughout Australia.
Nagula Jarndu has a full time workshop and shopfront, from which the artists work producing textiles and handicrafts. The Nagula Jarndu shopfront is an attraction for tourists and visitors who seek locally made unique Indigenous textiles, arts and crafts.
Kalumburu Womens Art Collective Bag
Lorraine Hunter block printing 'Frangipanis'
Head Office: Gladstone - PO Box 5390, Gladstone QLD 4680
Our Offices: Broome, Kalumburu, Perth
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